Restaurant Buildings – Quick and Efficient
Sapphire Construction in Castle Rock, Colorado can also help restaurateurs. Our architects, designers, and building crews make your restaurant buildings a reality. Imagine a beautiful pole building out in the country transformed into a unique eatery.
Quick and efficient, we expand the capacity of the modern pole barn structure. Our teams converge to assist with permitting. After obtaining licensing and passing opening inspections, the new restaurant is off and running.
Any Size or Style
A standalone structure used as a restaurant can have any personality or character. Think Western to Greek, rustic to contemporary. A pole building has a nice big open area to configure and embellish all you like. Make the eatery quaint or huge. Pitch the roof high or low. Reach the eaves out over outdoor dining areas if you like. Give it a unique flavor.
Building Permits
Before opening the restaurant, you will need to follow some legal requirements. We will assist with obtaining the required local and regional building permits. Construction begins after the plan approvals. Local fire and building authorities need to be in on the project.
Colorado Plan Review Application
The local public health agency requires submission of restaurant plans. The review and approval of plans may three to four weeks. If the plans are incomplete, there may be delays.
Contact the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment at 303-692-3645. Plans must comply with the Colorado Retail Food Rules and Regulations. Applications include:
- Colorado Plan Review Application
- State of Colorado Proof of Citizenship Affidavit
- Retail Food Establishment Review Application
- $100 application fee payable to Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
- Sales tax license
Opening Inspection
Construction must be complete before opening inspection. All equipment must work and everything cleaned. After the review is complete, you will receive the invoice for the Plan Review. It should not exceed $580.
Other Licenses
Be sure to apply for your Business License, City/County Sales Tax License, State Tax License, and Federal Tax ID Number. If you will be serving alcohol, an Alcohol License is necessary.
Colorado Post Frame Builders
Many hobby cooks and trained chefs dream of opening his/her own special restaurant. Do you know anyone in with such dreams? Tell them we are here to help build the restaurants in Central Colorado.
Please contact Sapphire Construction, Inc. at (303) 619-7213 for information about post frame buildings. These can be restaurant buildings with outstanding interior and exterior finishes.
About the Author:
Allen Randa is a second generation Master Carpenter and Owner of Sapphire Construction Inc. Allen personally manages each project from beginning to end. That includes the first meeting, the estimate, the contract and architectural designs.