5 Ways to Use Natural Stone on Pole Buildings
Natural stone on pole buildings in Colorado speak to a Rocky Mountain lifestyle. It’s one of the oldest construction materials ever used. Over its history, stone endures in useful and practical ways. Look at the fireplaces standing after a fire. Think of the pyramids in Egypt and the great European castles, among others stone structures still standing. Right here in Colorado you can find dwellings carved into the rock.
Most often stone used for today’s buildings adds beauty, along with endurance. Add natural stone embellishments anywhere on the exterior or interior of what would have been a tad too simple looking for your purposes. Our design software can show you options. Try stone wainscot, stone pillars, a wall of stone, or complete stone. If you can afford even a little, your building will gain depth.
5 Samples of Stone on Pole Buildings
Each bit of rock masonry makes unique, timeless design statements. See below for sample pole buildings ‘rocking’ stone. Stone may add frontend costs but keep reading for a list of the benefits of stone.
1. Wainscot and Pillars
Attractive for a clubhouse, retail store, or gym, Project #613625 uses gray tones of stone for the front pillars and wainscot. This contrasts with the woodwork and log siding and tan roof. What a beautiful golf pro shop, indoor putting area, and driving range. There are also offices and a porch. It measures 125′ x 61′ x 14′.
2. Retail Store with masonry interior walls
Project #214896, a natural stone supplier, highlights its own masonry while welcoming clients to its landscaping business. extensive masonry warms the fireplace area and plays off the interior wainscot. The building materials include wood, cedar, log, and timber with Evergreen trim. It measures 50′ x 128′ x 10′.
3. Stone Flooring (as seen in #2 above)
4. Outstanding Stone Feature
This commercial retail store building features a Deep Fascia of stone as well as a narrow stone wainscot that plays off a rich front roof line. The base of the building is Pebble Beige and that accident color is Burgundy. This building measures 60′ x 140′ x 18′
5. Go Completely Stone and Brick
Let’s look at Project #511979, the building designed for Iowa Stone Supply. The entire exterior showcases stone in a monumental fashion. The windows provide contrast. There’s a tower in the front corner with a hip roof and a front parapet wall. Extensive use of masonry is apparent throughout the building and displays.
The primary materials include brick, block, and stone and the secondary color, Clay, for accents. This large 60′ x 180′ x 20′ building obviously tells its own story.
Benefits of Stone
Why do civilizations use stone for fortresses? Stone outlives natural calamities and protects against invaders. The oldest house in existence was built about 4000 years ago! Yes, stone is durable, resistant to water, fire, wind, termites, an
d mold. Stone requires no chemicals to produce for building materials. So, it’s sustainable.
In addition, stone requires little maintenance. In addition, stone helps with insulation and temperature control. Overall, the design of your unique masonry will be beautiful and functional.
Pole Buildings in Colorado – Sapphire Construction, Inc.
For information about turnkey custom pole buildings in Colorado, contact Sapphire Construction, Inc. at (303) 619-7213. Our materials come with highest quality from Lester Buildings.
About the Author:
Allen Randa is a second generation Master Carpenter and Owner of Sapphire Construction Inc. Allen personally manages each project from beginning to end. That includes the first meeting, the estimate, the contract and architectural designs.