Author Archive

Me and My Horse Stable and Arena – A Weekend Getaway

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Me and My Horse Stable and Arena – A Weekend Getaway

At times, I want a place away from it all. I’d like a place for my little family to spend weekends away from the hustle and bustle of Denver. I don’t need a spa or a resort. I just need to get in the saddle and make my way along the trails and through the magical Colorado forests.

Stable, Arena, and Small Apartment

Looking on the website for Lester Buildings, I found ...

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Douglas County Barns and Horses Make our Western Suburbs

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Douglas County Barns and Horses Make our Western Suburbs

Do you know there are more horses in Douglas County Colorado than anywhere west of the Mississippi River? Although we are between Denver and Colorado Springs, you’ll see lots of barns in Douglas County. Horse barns and facilities overlook small acreage properties, farms and ranches and farms. Then, too, a broad range of equestrian activities and excellent horse trail systems give Douglas County its unique flavor. Let’s say it’s Western Suburban.

Barns ...

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5 Ways to Use Natural Stone on Pole Buildings

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5 Ways to Use Natural Stone on Pole Buildings

Natural stone on pole buildings in Colorado speak to a Rocky Mountain lifestyle. It’s one of the oldest construction materials ever used. Over its history, stone endures in useful and practical ways. Look at the fireplaces standing after a fire. Think of the pyramids in Egypt and the great European castles, among others stone structures still standing. Right here in Colorado you can find dwellings carved into the rock.

Most often stone ...

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Protect your Equipment in a New Custom Garage or Storage Building

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Protect your Equipment in a New Custom Garage or Storage Building

It’s a whole new world in Colorado when you have the space to correctly garage your toys and equipment. Forget throwing a tarp over the boat or renting storage space off-site. You can protect your investments with a custom garage or hobby building on your own property. Here are four examples to get you thinking about building a pole barn. See below to contact Sapphire Construction, Inc. in Castle ...

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Custom Hobby Buildings for Car Collections

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Custom Hobby Buildings for Car Collections

Occasionally, we read about large car collections being sold. Today, a Dutch auction house will begin an online auction of 230 rare classic cars. They include millions of dollars of European and American cars. We gleaned this information from Epoch Times, May 12, 2023. You can visit their website to see the amazing photos.

Where were the cars stored? Ad Palmen filled a church and to “dried but dusty” warehouses. He’s now 82 but previously operated ...

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Custom Livestock Barns Perfect for Animals in Colorado

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Custom Livestock Barns Perfect for Animals in Colorado

High-quality livestock barns make all the difference in animal operations. Do you raise sheep, pigs and hogs, horses, calves, or alpacas? We build all sizes of livestock buildings for farms and ranches in Colorado.

Colorado weather drives us indoors much of the year. So, the health of our livestock operations depends on a variety of protective structures: our livestock buildings. To optimize workflow, these pole barns need to be well thought through and ...

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Equestrian Lifestyle and Horses in Colorado

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Equestrian Lifestyle and Horses in Colorado

Establishing a stable and raising horses can take you down a wondrous journey. We recommend the pole barn stable and attractive fencing – all custom designed exactly for your property. It’s good-looking. It’s practical. A good gathering place, pole barns can also be enlarged to include a meeting area. Equestrians often build a large tack room so more people can be accommodated.

Horses as Friends

Intelligent and responsive, horses can become your best friends. Truly, the ...

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New Home Kits: Just Build Me a Country Home near the Trees

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New Home Kits: Just Build Me a Country Home near the Trees

More than a century ago, Sears Roebuck and Company delivered home kits around the country. Buyers chose their favorite building kits from catalogs. In the end, there were 370 home kits available. These were not tiny homes. In fact, beautiful large craftsmen and colonial styles were in the selection. People could also order big barns decked out with stalls for the cows.

Lester Building Kits

Today, new homebuyers can look ...

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Need Restaurant Building for Brewery in Douglas County?

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Need Restaurant Building for Brewery in Douglas County?

Are you thinking of a building for a restaurant or brewery south of Denver? When out here—hiking or riding, we do happen upon out-of-the-way eateries. Trails do lead from the Rocky Mountains through Douglas County to the plains of Elbert County. It’s nice to roam around and discover special places. The Cow and The Fort come to mind.

If you own a farm, think about building a restaurant at your place for farm ...

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How Do Pole Barn Architecture Perform in High Colorado Winds

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How Do Pole Barn Architecture Perform in High Colorado Winds

Most big low-rise buildings feature pole barn architecture in the 21st century. And that is a good thing. Colorado windstorms and snowstorms to get the attention of pole barn builders. That’s why, at Sapphire Construction, Inc. in Castle Rock, Colorado, we partner with Lester Buildings.

Lester Buildings knows a thing or two about post-frame buildings. Spread around the United States you can find beautiful examples of barns built over the ...

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