Planning a Dairy and Dairy Parlor

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Planning a Dairy and Dairy Parlor

It takes careful planning to start a new dairy. Dairy farming most often centers around cows, although sheep, goats, and buffalo also provide niche markets. They are all important aspects of agricultural food production. A commercial operation is one thing, but even a small sheep or goat dairy will challenge your ingenuity.

So, new dairy farmers need to be aware. Dairy farming requires energy, determination, research, money, capital, property–and a livestock building with dairy modifications ...

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Post Frame Construction for a Quick Roof over your Head

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Post Frame Construction for a Quick Roof over your Head

If you need a quick roof over your head, a post frame building system might be your best bet. Get situated and protect your equipment or animals. We custom design building systems and construct them on properties where we have prepared the building site. That’s one way to speed up the construction process, especially when it’s hard to come by expert builders.

Is Time of the Essence?

Choose an uncomplicated design or ...

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Livestock Buildings and Shelters for Raising Alpacas

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Livestock Buildings and Shelters for Raising Alpacas

Alpacas could be a better choice for your small acreage. Smaller than llamas, these wool producing creatures only need three sided shelters or modest-sized barns and fencing. Add a food source, a bit of patience, a few alpacas. And you’re on your way.

Colorado Alpacas

More people in Colorado are raising alpacas. They are finally catching on after being introduced in the United States in 1984. Today, along the Front Range, a couple dozen commercial ...

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Colorado Farm & Ranch Buildings to Complement your Lifestyle

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Colorado Farm & Ranch Buildings to Complement your Lifestyle

Find yourself some acreage in Colorado, and you’ll soon come up with good reasons to search farm & ranch buildings. Why? You’ll be expanding your horizons. The property has a home, but you’ll think of the equipment you might want to start a small farm. You might decide to get a horse or two. You’ll think of toys you’d like to have the lakes, mountains, rivers outback.

Barns to complement a Property

Wouldn’t ...

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Colorado Winds Challenge Post Frame Buildings

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Colorado Winds Challenge Post Frame Buildings

Post frame buildings can look alike but have different structural composition. Quality varies. And durability makes an enormous difference in Colorado. Colorado winds land the state in the list of top 10 windiest states in the USA. So, the wind challenge comes with any large building project.

That’s why Lester Buildings assembles a complete building system where every component works to support the next. From sheathing and purlins to roof trusses and columns, and to ...

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Why an Indoor Riding Arena in Colorado Adds Value

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Why an Indoor Riding Arena in Colorado Adds Value

Any serious equestrian knows the value of having access to an indoor riding arena in Colorado. Horses need regular exercise. Even a ranch horse needs to be trained. But riders who compete need consistent time to perfect their disciplines. Go all out with a safe riding arena and horse-friendly stables. Your inner equestrian spirit will be as happy as your property values.

Arenas Outsmart Colorado Weather

Living in Central Colorado, we experience plenty ...

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12 Steps to a Custom Guest House

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12 Steps to a Custom Guest House

Need space for guests? Give us a call at Sapphire Construction in Castle Rock, and we’ll set you up with a beautiful guest house. Choose a popular floor plan like the 600 square-foot Aspen. Or customize a post-frame building to suit your family’s needs.

Sample Floor Plan: The Aspen

Some might consider this a tiny house, and it could be. However, you might better accommodate friends and family in something a little bigger. No problem. ...

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Protect Treasured Muscle Cars in a Hobby Garage

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Protect Treasured Muscle Cars in a Hobby Garage

Just decide how much space you need for a hobby garage and your budget. Sapphire Construction, Inc. in Castle Rock can design, deliver, and construct your private automotive shop in Colorado. Considered hot in the 1970s, muscle cars and their super car precedents may have V8 engines and 2 doors. Proud owners kept them in tip-top shape.

Yes, it’s one thing to invest in a dreamy muscle car. The next step puts ...

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Prep for Barn Remodeling and Barn Repairs

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Prep for Barn Remodeling and Barn Repairs

Rest assured. The sturdy barns built by Lester Buildings and Sapphire Construction provide superior structural integrity. The engineering results in a complete building system. The system meets or exceeds local building wind and snow code requirements. Those values do not include an owner’s decision to hang weighty items from the trusses after the fact. Not just a building with engineered components, we design and build completely engineered pole barns.

Pole Barn Remodeling

Our barns ...

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Me and My Horse Stable and Arena – A Weekend Getaway

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Me and My Horse Stable and Arena – A Weekend Getaway

At times, I want a place away from it all. I’d like a place for my little family to spend weekends away from the hustle and bustle of Denver. I don’t need a spa or a resort. I just need to get in the saddle and make my way along the trails and through the magical Colorado forests.

Stable, Arena, and Small Apartment

Looking on the website for Lester Buildings, I found ...

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