
Indoor Arenas for Sale – Built to Suit

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Indoor Arenas for Sale – Built to Suit

Are you hoping to find indoor arenas for sale near you? We’ve got a better idea. Consider building one. That’s what we do. We build heated indoor arenas to train horses and horse stables. We also build basic to fully equipped roping arenas in Colorado designs. Make space for everything you need under one big Colorado roof! Plan, design, cost, then prep and build.

Safety Comes First in Horse Arenasindoor arenas for sale

When designing equestrian facilities, safety is our guiding principle. For over 75 years, the professionals at Lester Buildings steadily improved the concept of post frame barn building. By partnering with these engineers and builders, Sapphire Construction, Inc. gained the reputation and experience from horse arenas from the first pole barn company in America.

Decades of improvements and unparalleled safety elements make these buildings valuable for the equine lifestyles in Colorado. You’ll see our beautiful stalls and the Lester liner. And we’ll share our portfolio and testimonials. Our indoor arenas and horse barns provide function and safety for animals and equestrians alike.

Custom Indoor Arenas for Sale

Plan. Plan on a huge pole barn. Use a simple roof with dormers, a gambrel roof for a modest sized indoor arena, or a monitor roof if you have equipment. Our designers will help with the size and layout and come up with sketches.

You decide on the best flooring material for your arena and the necessary functions. Add stables and stalls, a washroom, and a tack room. You can spruce it up with Dutch doors or go simple and still look good and come up with an exciting arena. Design it plain or add all the bells and whistles of your dreams.

How we Build Indoor Arenas in Colorado

Design. First, we want to know all regulations where the equestrian arena will be built. Permits need to be pulled, too. The team and builders at Sapphire Construction take personal interest in perfecting all aspects of our equestrian arenas and horse barns.

indoor arenas for saleWe’ll conceptualize your project on our excellent computer software, allowing you to visualize each decision and the finished arena. Here you might try out options for roof shapes, materials, colors, and accessories.

Cost. You’ll also be able to relate your decisions to the costs and the budget during the design process. As the design forms, costs become clearer. For example, how would adding a grand entrance effect the cost? Or what would it cost to add some brick wainscotting? Or add 200 square feet of space for a lounge. You set an approximate budget and then find out the expense or savings of any changes.

At the Arena Building Site

Prep and Build. After there’s a signed contract, we’ll order the materials for your equestrian arena building. Lester manufactures materials to spec, and the Lester truck will bring everything to the building site.

In the meantime, Sapphire Construction’s building crew will prepare that site and help unload the delivery. Then you’ll see the arena raising up from the ground, interior aspects, and it won’t be long until you’ll be trotting around the wonderful new training arena.

Best Indoor Arena Builders – Douglas County CO

If you’re serious about building Colorado horse arenas indoors, call Sapphire Construction, Inc. (303) 619-7213 and talk to owner/contractor Allen Randa. A second generation expert carpenter and building contractor in Douglas County, Colorado, Allen manages every building project beginning to finish. He builds to suit you.

Allen Randa - Sapphire Construction

About the Author:

Allen Randa is a second generation Master Carpenter and Owner of Sapphire Construction Inc. Allen personally manages each project from beginning to end. That includes the first meeting, the estimate, the contract and architectural designs.
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